Variable Frequency Constant Pressure Water Supply Equipment
Municipal steady flow of water into the stainless steel conditioning tanks, the tank of air from the vacuum exhaust suppressors gradually be filled with water, the vacuum auto matically turn of supresors. When the municipal water pressure will be able to meet the water requirements, equipment to user through the bypass pipe water pipe net work directly; When the pressure of municipal water pipes can not meet the net water requirements, the system through the pressure transmitter(or Transmissible pressure gauge, electric contact pressure gauge)to send the signal to start pumping. If the municipal water distribution network is greater than the amount of water pump flow to maintain normal water supply system; Water peak, if the municipal water distribution network of water is insufficient to regulate the tank's water as a supplementary water supply is still normal.

At the moment, the from the vacuum into the regulation of suppressor can eliminate the negative pressure generated by the tank. After the water peak, the system return to normal status. If the municipal water supply inadequate or water pipe network and cause the tank water level regulation of declining stands give the signal level detector to protect the pump unit.
Because of the use of dual-frequency, night and a small flow of water through a small expansion tank and the main pump water, pump regulator need to increase saving and investment costs willnot waste electricity.